What is Shokuoku?

What kind of service is Shokuoku? 

A seat at a restaurant that is extremely difficult to reserve will be put up for auction.
Through this auction, you'll have a better chance of getting reservations at restaurants you've always wanted to try or at popular restaurants that book up rapidly online.On days and at times when the restaurant is closed for regular business, auctions will be held primarily for cancellations and for reserved times.

About Reservations

Can I attend the following appointment after the scheduled date if I place a successful bid? 

As you are bidding for the right to make a reservation for the date and time in question, as with other reservation sites, you will not be able to make a reservation for the next and subsequent visits to the store.

Why is it so hard to reserve a table at the restaurant, but it will be able to reserve a seat at Shokuoku? 

While it varies from restaurant to restaurant, most of the restaurants that are difficult to reserve are often booked by members and longtime regular customer, which makes it difficult for new customers to make reservations.
However, sometimes these seats are made available to us because of cancellations due to various circumstances, such as illnesses brought on by the coronavirus. Additionally, we sometimes receive offers for reservations at times other than those we usually make, such as private bookings at particular times or on days the restaurant is closed.

Isn't Shokuoku an act of resale? 

After being contacted by the restaurants directly, we are exclusively auctioning off the rights to these seats on our website.
Some people frequently resell seats from restaurants, but this does not profit the restaurants in any way. Our company wants to develop a system that supports restaurants.

Sales and Profits

What happens to profits earned at the auction? 

By giving back to the participating restaurants and the funds used to operate the Shokuoku website, we will be able to expand the currently high cost of food procurement, give back to the restaurant staff, and use the entire amount to support the development of food culture.
We also donate a portion of the proceeds to the following organizations.
At the end of this fiscal year, we plan to donate to the following organizations
Donation for the Noto Peninsula Earthquake of 2024

About cooperating restaurants

How are cooperating restaurants determined? 

Based on our own screening criteria, stores that have agreed to participate in this program are participating in it.
For new listings, please contact us at the URL below.