Notation based on the "Act on Specified Commercial Transactions"

business operator Shokuoku Co.
person responsible for operations Satoshi Oiwa
Email Address>
selling price Successful bid price and successful bid administration fee for auctions conducted from each restaurant's page.
Charges other than the product price None (an administration fee for successful bids will be charged)
When to pay Payment is made after the reservation is completed.
Payment Method Credit cards (Visa, JCB, MasterCard, American Express)
Description of services and time of provision Shokuoku is a service that allows customers to bid on restaurant reservations. An administration fee will be charged to confirm the reservation after the successful bid.
Refunds and Cancellations Reservation fees and successful bid administration fees paid in connection with a reservation are nonrefundable once paid. There may be a specific cancellation fee if a reservation is canceled. For information on cancellation fees, please visit each restaurant's payment page.